nice to meet you. :)

Catrina McCrae
2 min readMay 27, 2021

Some people have been directed to this space through friends and family who have shared my previously posted poem, “there is sun behind the clouds.”

Thank you for reading, feeling and sharing. I’m glad you are here.

In light of this, I would love to take a second to introduce myself and direct you to other corners of this vast internet space where I hang out.

My name is Catrina, I am a 29 year old Health Coach, Nutritionist, Personal Trainer and Communications Professional. I am the co-founder of the Connection Project BC, where myself and my business partner run workshops on how to support mental health through movement, nutrition and mindfulness. We also have a podcast, Table for Three: You, Me and Anxiety where we welcome difficult conversations about life with mental illness to the table.

Above all else, I am a deep feeling human who loves language and connection. I have been a writer as long as I can remember; being able to bring life to words has always stirred something in me.

I have written poetry and essays that have been published… but many hundreds more that have never been seen. I’m working on changing that.

My poetry, prose and general musings have sat untouched in a Google doc for long enough. I’m finally (like, we are talking 10 years in the making) starting the process of releasing my art to the world. As soon as I create a true space to hold my art on the web, you will know. It won’t be a quiet experience.

I’m getting ready to take the step into myself. I want to share the ways I see and experience the world with you. Not just the pretty ways, but the dark, complicated and messy ways, too. I want for you to feel it all. To connect to some other part of you, or someone else, through the words on the page. I want to create something beautiful and inspiring. It’s going to be for you. And it’s also for me; this work is a daring reminder of who I am. I’m taking a breath and readying myself for the turbulent bravery that I know I am going to need, as we all do, to step out of the shadows and into ourselves.

Until then, you can follow me at @consciousfitness_ on instagram and on Facebook and check out my website where you can subscribe to my newsletter for updates.

And if you feel inclined, subscribe to the Table for Three podcast to hear conversations on mental wellness support and so much more. Leaving a rating, review and sharing with your friends and family makes a huge difference in our ability to reach others. So thank you in advance!



Catrina McCrae

Catrina is, among many things, a podcaster, coach, poet, writer and deep feeler.